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There are a number of different options and routes to think about when looking into getting a mortgage, and a shared ownership is one scheme which may be a helpful road to go down.

A shared ownership is a good option for those that do not have massive amounts of savings, as the government will help by lending around 95% of the deposit. This does mean that in order to go through with this process, you will need to have a deposit amount of 5%.

The loan is interest free for the first five years, with monthly fees starting at 1.75% from year 6 onwards, increasing by +1% year on year.

This scheme is beneficial to those thinking about getting a mortgage but unable to afford a large deposit amount.

The mortgages at Airline Mortgage Shop can quickly look at your situation and work out which mortgage lender is the the best option for you.

To find out more about the process, contact us today.